Geocoded National Address File Linked Data API

Geocoded National Address File Linked Data API

Feature GANSW719867829

Instance URI:

Type Feature A discrete spatial phenomenon in a universe of discourse.
Has Address Component Indicates an Address Component of an Address Derived from ISO19160-1's object relations
Has Value Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties Ballina
Has Address Component Type Indicates an Addresses Component's type Derived from ISO19160-1's object relations locality A locality
Has Value Text Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties locb24c85577ed5

Has Value Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties 274
Has Value Text Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties 274
Has Address Component Type Indicates an Addresses Component's type Derived from ISO19160-1's object relations number first The first street number of the address

Has Value Text Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties NSW3620677
Has Address Component Type Indicates an Addresses Component's type Derived from ISO19160-1's object relations street locality A street locality
Has Value Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties Hovea Dr

Has Address Component Type Indicates an Addresses Component's type Derived from ISO19160-1's object relations postcode Code used for the sorting of mail [SOURCE: UPU S42]
Has Value Text Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties 2478
Has Value Indicates the value of an Address Component Derived from ISO19160-1's AddressComponent object's properties ns3:2478

Has Geometry A spatial representation for a given Feature. n6ed32dc74c4644c3bdc83dd081e3c0b5b6
addr:hasRole ns4:BC

Within States that the subject SpatialObject is spatially within the object SpatialObject. DE-9IM: T*F**F*** ns5:11205707600
Mesh Block 11222050000
Has Geometry A spatial representation for a given Feature.
Type Geometry A coherent set of direct positions in space. The positions are held within a Spatial Reference System (SRS).
As Wkt The WKT serialization of a Geometry
POINT (153.56676763 -28.8406362) geo:wktLiteral

As Geojson The GeoJSON serialization of a Geometry
{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [153.56676763, -28.8406362]} geo:geoJSONLiteral

Is Address For Indicates an Addressable Object that an Address is allocated to Derived from ISO19160-1's object relations ns7:715252870
addr:dateModified 2021-07-07 xsd:date
addr:dateCreated 2019-01-31 xsd:date
Identifier Recommended practice is to identify the resource by means of a string conforming to an identification system. Examples include International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and Uniform Resource Name (URN). Persistent identifiers should be provided as HTTP URIs. GANSW719867829 xsd:token